Friday 16 December 2011

Clearing the marsh garden

Another sunny, autumnal day! The dappled light comes in through the dense canopies of the trees overhead which make this part of the garden very shady and with the presence of a natural spring here in the garden, the land is marshy and the soil is rich. The spring was once made in to a design feature of this part of the garden but after some years of neglect it has caused the garden to get boggy and overgrown. It was up to me to start the clearance of the marsh garden to get it back in to a habitable state.

Garden path - before

Garden path - after

Garden bench - before
Garden bench - after

Bottom of the garden - before

Bottom of the garden - after
A great week with various jobs and different gardens including this marsh garden. I further developed my skills in seasonal clearing which is critical to keep the gardens pristine and clear of leaves and weeds at this time of year. We talked about issues with the marsh clearance where a French drain is required to be installed to take the water away from the natural spring in the garden to dry out the marsh land in the garden. 

My competence in all areas is developing to a level where I will be able to advise others on all areas of clearing, tidying gardens, the importance of leaf mould piles to create a compost, and edging to a professional level. All this is important to me starting my own business which will include garden maintenance contracts.

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