Friday 9 December 2011

Creating a soak away and French drain

In order to better the drainage from the patio area I had to create a soak away and French drain from the patio. Luckily in this lawn there was a lot of rubble underneath the ground and amongst the overgrowth that existed in the back garden before it was cleared. This made for some perfect material to create the soak away. First a hole was hug about 18-24" deep and I filled it with as much of the larger rubble as was possible. Then some of the smaller rubble and then it was back filled with the excess soil before the top soil was laid and levelled with the aid of sand. For the french drain some existing old tiles would fit perfectly to aid the draining to the soak away.

Soakaway from the patio area

Hardcore for the soak away

Back fill with soil

Porous materials

Top soil over the top of the soak away and level off.

This was a simple task to perform although without the aid of any machinery (for which there was no access to the rear garden), it was done with some hard graft!!

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